
Simple Exercises to do after a long day of sitting

  Online schools are the new norm this year. And just like regular school we sit around a desk only this time our eyes are glued to a laptop, or a tablet or a phone for hours, and just like regular school it’s tedious.   But whether online school is boring or not is not the real concern here, what is however, is just how much the increased usage of our devices is affecting our body. Consequently, for me a day at online school ends with a headache, tired eyes and backache. If this sounds like a regular day for you continue reading for some simple exercises to help your body deal with the stresses of online classes. It is no secret that excessive usage of these devices that we love so much is taking a toll on our health, and we more than often ignore these health risks, not necessarily out of apathy. The truth is it is almost impossible to not use our gadgets daily. However, it is not impossible to acquire knowledge on how we are being affected and simple ways to help our body combat t

Quotes and Bible Verses to encourage you during tough times.

The sea waters are a fitting way to describe life. One minute you're enjoying the calm breeze and staring out at the beautiful horizon. However, there are days when the when huge waves, which threaten to force you under, populate the sea, and the water becomes too much for you to handle . In like manner, our lives might have periods when we are able to enjoy the horizon. However, there are days when waves beat us around and we lose control and might even start to sink to the seabed. It is during these times that we need to be constantly encouraged by God’s love and, believe that no matter how hard life may seem he will protect us and provide for us. So, whenever we find yourself being tossed around by huge waves in this sea of life, here are twenty six of bible verses and a few quotes to remind us that you that we will be able to swim in the rough waters and with faith we will stay afloat despite the unwelcoming waters:   “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, also b

Four easy steps to do when you're not feeling motivated

We all have those days when we merely don’t have the motivation to complete tasks or do anything for that matter. Hence, we keep deferring, first for a day, then days and before you know it weeks. And soon, we’re left with a mess of tasks and a flustered mind. If you can relate, and want to know how to regain interest in doing asks, below are four steps you should consider, which I have also tried and they proved to be very effective. 1. Evaluate the cause for your lack of motivation Finding out why you are demotivated could be useful in encouraging you to address the problem and change your mindset. Therefore, here are reasons for lack of motivation: Fear It could be that you possess no interest to complete your duties because you are afraid to. Say for example, it’s an assignment that you’ve been putting off because you’re afraid that it will be too challenging and you won’t know what to do. Or, maybe it’s something much more important and you’re afraid if you do it you’ll fail

Ten (10) ideas for relaxing

  Are you on edge or feel fearful as a result of the coronavirus, and all the uncertainty of this year? Or did you have a hard time at school or work, whether it’s online or not? Maybe you’re sick of quarantine and just tired of feeling anxious and tense all the time. If your answer is YES, then stop what you’re doing take a deep breath and try these 10 ideas for relaxing. 1. Drawing So, there really is no excuse for not drawing. Drawing is a creative way to express yourself, and finding a new hobby while you have the extra time can prove very rewarding and save you from feeling stuck or bored during these dreary days. So try drawing your favourite cartoon characters, or anime characters, find simple drawings on Pinteres t and try recreating them. While drawing you are focused on your piece, thus you don’t have to worry about the problems. You have the power to create your own world while drawing. 2. Laugh I’m not saying you should burst out laughing… instead watch something hilar

Inspirational Quotes

    I think life is a great phenomenon; there are just things that no matter how we try we just can’t, or will never understand it. But that should never be a reason for us to not live. Thus, from great individuals who have lived exceptionally, here are 23 quotes that will cause you to think deeply about life, as well as, inspire you to strive to be your best: Martin Luther King Jr.  “We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that time is always ripe to do right.” “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns, to the broader concerns of all humanity.” “He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.” “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” “Our lives begin

What To do when you feel stuck

  Do you ever feel like you’re in a loop, things just seem to go on and on and no change occur? It’s as if nothing in your life is changing while others and everything else around you is becoming different.   And you may feel like you’re stuck in this drab cycle, and there is nothing you can do about it . Except you can something about it. We all experience boredom and that is natural, but, too often we get trapped in a monotonous life that we make our ‘normal’ and allow ourselves to believe that change is impossible, or we are waiting for the right time, however, according Martin Luther King   Jr. ‘ It is always the right time to do the right thing .’ Six Signs your life is tedious We don’t intend to have a boring life, sometimes it just feels like the only option due to our limitations, fears and what not. But, Dalai Lama said ‘ the purpose of our lives is to be happy , ’ so we all need to ask ourselves ‘Am I happy?’ Below are six signs that tell if you’re living a boring life, an

Self-Care Essentials

  The beauty of self- caring is , it does not have to be an  expensive duty. Going to a fancy spa, or buying something expensive in the name of ‘self-care’ is not a necessity. There are many ways to take care of ourselves without having to spend a substantial amount of money. There is a quote that I love which says "The little things matter," and I believe that it's the little activities that we do in the comfort of our home, which will assist us to become better mentally, physically and spiritually. So we’ve decided to self-care but what are some tools that we’ll need: Mental Self care Mental self-care involves freeing the mind from unwanted thoughts, and stress, so that it can be energized and filled with positivity each day. And you can have peace of mind. Affirmations The words you speak become the house you live in .      HAFIZ Affirmations which are basically words of encouragement, can do great things. Affirmations is a great way to start the day with